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Weekly Reading

11-12-22 to 18-12-22

#theherbalastrologyoracle #hushtarot #jade #varascite 

4 Swords, Bobinsana, 3 Swords, 5 Swords

Trust is the keyword this week on our Bobinsana card, this herb helps us by awakening the inner pathways to unconditional self love.  It reminds us that love is the highest state of receivership but not to forget the importance of self love and just how powerful it is. Bobinsana assists us in rediscovering forgotten places within ourselves, retrieving fragments of our heart seeking healing. This message is especially important for those of us this week whose children may be leaving the family nest, once parents are left alone we have to find ourselves again, as we have devoted years to child rearing and we forget just who we are. Trust in your heart to find who you have become.

The 3 Swords is the card that calls me first, the Bee on the lips of the young girl leads me to believe that some of us may be the recipient, or the deliverer, of some sharp stinging words. This may and may not be a bad thing, as the 4 Swords is here some of us may be ordered to take a rest by a Dr, and some may lose their job causing worry of an uncertain new direction in life. But as the 5 Swords reminds us, there will always be a time when we are either the winner or the looser and taking a short or extended break with be good for our minds health and body. Using the Crystals below this week will help with the type of situation you may be dealing with.

Green Jade is a crystal of love. It is supportive of new love, and increases trustworthiness and fidelity. It also inspires love later in life. 

Jade is excellent for healing feelings of guilt, and for extreme cases of defeatism. It also treats "pathological normality," an excessive desire to adapt oneself to a group, even if it is sect-like, exaggerated militarism, a follow-the-leader attitude, or the compulsive desire to give in to general opinion to belong no matter the cost.

Variscite, countering aggression, soothes & calms, dispels pain and injury caused by violence, Variscite is an excellent stone to use because of its soothing and clarifying properties. It will stimulate healing on both the physical and light body, It has the ability to align and balance your connection to your body, mind, and spirit.

5-12-22 to 10-12-22

#theherbalastrologyoracle #thespiraloracle

Sacred Geometry, Coca, Interconnection, Witness of Beauty, Centre, Becoming World, Red Jasper, Fuchsite 

I thought I would have an Oracle week ahead this week!  Foresight is the keyword on the Coca Card and I feel this sums up our whole week, it is time to be fierce and embrace our gifts. Whenever I see a rainbow I know that Spirit is around me a bit more than usual, so this week be prepared for some Spiritual insight in one way or the other.

As you can see in the Interconnection card we have another 2 Jaguars! According to Ted Andrews in his Animal-Wise book, the keynote of Jaguar is reclaiming power and the fruits of our labor. The Jaguar like all cats is a stalker, waiting until the right moment to strike, and this is our message. That our patience is about to be rewarded but we must strike when the opportunity presents itself, there is also a warning of using caution this week and not letting others know of our plans and intentions. The jealousy of others or ourselves may be undermining our efforts, stalk quietly in the jungle of your life. 

I feel this week that we must spend some time Centring ourselves, so that we can feel connected to the Sacred Geometry of life, so that we may recognise when the Witness of Beauty, of life itself, no matter what hard times we may be going through shines in our life. Becoming World reminds us that we are ALL connected, no matter our Religion or the colour of our skin. When our loved ones pass away we are still connected, they never leave us. I also feel that the blue in this card encourages us to speak our truth this week


This sparkling green stone is a lovely green mica that has a strong heart chakra vibration.

By using its radiant energy you may be able to access information from the universal mind, via your intuition. You may find yourself becoming altered, if you immerse yourself within the sparkling light from Green Fuchsite. 

Looking into the depths of a sparkling piece of this stone, may quite quickly help those who are stressed to become more calm. So using this stone is one of the methods to relieve stress. Hold a small piece of this stone in your hand during meditation to assist you to receive divine guidance about issues that are of concern to you.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper strengthens one’s connection to the Earth and the spiritual wisdom and sacredness of life that exists in nature. It encourages one to celebrate moments of beauty in the ordinary and the extraordinary, and to find harmony within the self, and with others. Through meditation and dream work, Jasper can provide a connection with Earth’s ancient past and allows one to retrieve spiritual knowledge for use in the present to help heal humanity and the planet, this is a crystal to use for grounding and is great for the Root Chakra.

28-11-2022 to 4-12-2022


Whip, Birds, Mountain, Tower, Heart, Sun, Stars, Cross, Man

The focus this week is on the Heart, it is central to all the other cards energies and we are asked to keep this in mind when dealing with issues. The first row of cards are quite heavy, for some of us we may be the victim of some malicious gossip, and for others work problems will seem insurmountable. What does your heart say? How will you deal with it? One way is to isolate yourself from it by putting up a shield and letting the rays of the Sun bathe and cleanse your energy.

If you have concerns about your love life perhaps a quick trip away to somewhere sunny will help smooth out any issues, but for some others secrets of the Heart are being kept. For some people out there they may very well meet their SoulMate in this time frame, this can be just a friendship to not necessarily a lover.  Some may find that what they thought was a strong loving relationship has suddenly become a burden with their partner walking away rather than trying to fix any issues you have been having in your relationship.

Key Events; 


Feeling Isolated

Problems Seem Insurmountable

Meeting A SoulMate

Someone Walking Out Of Your Life

A Long Held Wish Coming True

Destiny/Fate Stepping In

A Whirlwind Of Emotions 



The Answer, Follow What Your Heart is Telling You!

Crystal Energy This Week #Chiastolite # Atlantisite 

I find it interesting that I was drawn to pulling the crystal Chiastolite, and the Cross turning up in the spread. Faith may be a big help this week. Chiastolite is a stone of balance and harmony. It can help with mental/emotional balance, stability, enhancing problem-solving, adapting to change, memory, and the ability to see all sides of a problem. Chiastolite can enhance spiritual awareness and harmony, as well as practical creativity.

Atlantisitet teaches us about our place in the web and circle of life, it is a stone that is used to protect your well-being, preserve your beliefs, and calm your spirit. This stone will protect your spirit, a very grounding, calm, and loving energy that can help us to look at our life objectively and compassionately. It reminds us that we are still learning and that wisdom grows through time and experience. It urges us to be patient and to release any fears we may have about change and to look to the future with hope and faith.

14-11-22 to 20-11-22

#mandalachakra #witcheswisdom 

Goddess of Earth, Indigenous- Root, 5 of Earth, 2 of Water

The Indigenous- Root card reminds us to live in harmony with nature by reconnecting with our roots. Since we have two other Earth based cards showing up this week, Goddess of Earth and 5 of Earth it strengthens this message. Take the time to ground this week, to reconnect with people or family that we may not have seen for a while. If they are in Spirit light a candle dedicating it to the person you wish to connect to, and just talk, making a note of any words, signs in nature, the TV, radio, dreams that you notice as these are signs from your loved one human or animal.

This week speaks of the circle of life coming full circle, for some an ending when we return to the Great Mother. Where we reunite with loved ones as shown by the 2 of Water, something will come to an end, but something new will replace/or start. This is the circle of life that we all travel on, last week we were reminded of the web that we are all connected too, this week it is the circle of life, the seasons of life and nature.

I sense for some of us this week we will hear from a Mother or Grandmother who has crossed over, or at the very least from one who we thought of as such. I feel this strongly as I gaze upon the 2 of Waters, there is a deep love and connection that this card is speaking of, open your spiritual eyes to see it, open your spiritual heart to feel it, open your spiritual ears to hear it, and above all open your spiritual mind to believe the signs you see, feel and hear.

7 -11-22 to 12-11-22

#shadowlandstarot #spiraloracle #letgooracle #journeytokens 

3 Pentacles, Infinity, 8 Swords Middle World & Web Token

The card from the oracle Let it Go says; “Let go of any negativity and walk tall. Decorate yourself with grace and make it you reality”.  I sense that some of this week will feel as though nothing will change, that a certain situation will go on for well infinity!

The 8 Swords show this feeling of our thoughts going around and around in circles, but I also sense that these thoughts may have been going on for months, if not years. It takes some real effort to change the way we think, what we think we become, if we let our thoughts take over our lives. This week we must break these negative thoughts and free ourselves from any self blame that we hold to ourselves or others. We are not responsible for how other people act, we are only responsible to ourselves. 

The 3 Pentacles with the little bug proudly showing off his pentacles, remind us that we are of value, we all came into this world to achieve something. Some of us will reach great heights, others will lead a mundane life but be very happy, if you are not happy now is the time to change things. We must look outside the square, or better yet not even become the square in the first place. The Token Middle Earth shows a need to present in the here and now this week, the present takes precedence, you can look at the past, or look to the future, but it is the present that you must focus on. In the book that comes with these Tokens Kelly says; “Our physical present where our foot touches Earth is not seperate from Spirit, but living fully present sets us walking with Spirit in every moment”. I think it is easy to forget that we walk with Spirit everyday, now matter who or what we are, the Token Web speaks of connections. Despite what people believe we are all connected, to each other, to Spirit, to the energies of the World.

This week we are reminded to look at our connections and the energies around it to see what is forming, or dropping away. Are we trying to deepen our connections or let something drop away from our life? Try and look at what patterns are forming this week and how the energies intermingle with each other, is chaotic or calm, wavy or buzzing? Tap into the energies around you this week, and walk with grace from any negativity.

31-10-22 to 6-11-22

#tarotdelosmuertos #everydaywitchtarot #odditytarot 

The Sun Queen Pentacles Knight Swords The Hermit The Empress Sunstone

Today in Australia it is Samhain, we don’t celebrate Samhain or Halloween as it is better known although some houses do, but there is a real push against doing something that is “American” and not #Australian”. I think what most people forget here in Australia is that many Witches and Pagan people have been celebrating Samhain quietly before all the hype of lollies and decorating our homes with skulls and what not. For us it is a day to remember our dead, to practice divination to better connect to our ancestors and however else we choose to mark this day. Today it is the 3 year anniversary of our beloved dog Oscars passing, but he has never left us particularly when I was fighting cancer he made his little spirit known along with my beloved cat also in spirit. Samhain in the Northern hemisphere welcomes in the harvest and the dark half of the year, here in Australia we are currently in the season of Spring with Summer starting on the 1st December. I follow the Northern Wheel because I can feel the veil thinning and it is still the same date all over the world, I just Australiafy it!

Having the Sun come up as the first card I pulled is very apt no matter where in the world you are, it signifies a change in the season, for us it is the heat for others it is the cold. This week we may find ourselves running hot and cold (particularly those suffering from the hot flashes of menopause!)  Sunstone is good for brightening moods, bringing emotional and spiritual warmth, and helping to motivate those who stand in its light. It can also be good for helping the body deal with rheumatism and for helping balance those who struggle with seasonal affective disorder. So if you struggle as a Pagan on just which wheel to follow, hold some Sunstone and “feel” what calls out to you.

The Hermit and the Queen Pentacles show that for many of us it is a time of withdrawal and quiet reflection this week, this Queen is gazing at a Buch of Roses. Roses are always a sign of love from those is Spirit, so this week we may get an unexpected but much longed for sign from someone dear to us who has crossed the veil.  I also sense that we must remember despite what or who we may be mourning, to take the time to reflect this week just what has blossomed in our lives. I find it interesting in this image that you can’t see the crown on the Queens head, just lumps of gold sticking out of her skull. This is a reminder that no matter what wealth we may or may not have, life is short and to take pleasure in the things that keep us grounded such as a walk along the beach when the sun sets.

The Empress and the Knight Swords also indicate that this week will entail a swift change in circumstances, some people will rake in a harvest of some sort, and for others something will end but it will happen very quickly and we must be ready for it. We must cock our pistols and ride into our future like our Knight of Swords here, unafraid and ready for anything.

17-10-22 to 23-10-22

#hushtarot #tarotnuages #theutopianfuthark #animalspeakrunes 

Strength, 7 Wands, 7 Cups, Sowilo, Frog, Coyote, Mookaite 

Swill, the Sun the Universe coming down to meet mankind, to meet you. It is time this week to release old patterns, old karma and to break up the ice of stubborn thoughts. Thi Lion in this card indicates that Lions strength will be available to you this week, as indeed does the actual Strength card itself. It is time to let your thoughts and mind fly in the direction you wish them to go, and to forget about old dreams that may have not come true as the 7 Cups can imply. 

Two 7’s coming up often means mutual love or balanced forces, seven is one of the most powerful of numbers. We have all heard the old seventh child of the seventh child, and there are also 7 days in a week, 7 colours in a rainbow, 7 seas, 7 tribes of Rome and the 7 trials of Hercules. So, having two sevens this week may hint at a trial of some sort, but it is nothing that we can not handle indeed the number 7 also means not to give up as we are very nearly there to achieving what we wish too.

While not all our dreams come true, perhaps it is time this week to dream a little dream of you, and what you want. We have the fertility of the Frog, along with its magic as the Frog is associated with the Goddess and Witches. We have Mookaite to ground and balance us and it is a crystal associated with the rainbow Serpent of our indigenous people in Australia. Rainbows are believed to be the Serpent snaking from one watering hole to the next, replenishing the waterholes around Australia. This is the explanation given as to why some waterholes never dry up even during times of great drought. It represents the life giving value of water as well as the cycle of the seasons, the Rainbow Serpent came from beneath the ground and created the huge ridges, mountains and gorges as it pushed upward, so it is a creator.

You may find that old emotions that you have been trying to shove back down spew themselves upwards rather violently, it is time to purge ourselves and use the wisdom and cunning of the Coyote. To literally purge ourselves dry like in the droughts of our great country Australia, and let the Rainbow Serpent weave her magic within you. This is a week of purging and finding balance, and you may even see a rainbow.

10-10-22 to 16-10-22

#isabelsnailtarot #seed&sickle  

Foxglove, 10 Pentacles, 6 Thorns, Justice, 9 Wands

The Foxglove is very much loved by the Fae, if you plant these in your garden you are sure to attract Fae in your Garden and life, so make sure that is what you want! “It is aid when a Foxglove bows it head, a fairy is walking by.  It is said that the path of brown and white spots on the floor of each bell are the marks of elven fingers,
designed to lead the bee towards the nectar. It was a wise woman of Shropshire who taught one Dr. Withering how to use it for cardiac complaints in the 18th century.

Today foxgloves are cultivated on huge farms in the eastern United States solely for medicinal purposes. Digitalis, its botanical name, means “fingers.” Whose fingers?” Blog by

With this in mind it is important to remember that Foxglove is also a deadly poison, and care should be taken where it is planted. This week for some of us something beautiful may turn out to be quite toxic, as we have the smiling face of our snail Isabel in the 10 Pentacles, often associated with family matters or a family owned business there could be someone there that is rather toxic but hides it behind a smiling face.

The 9 Wands explains how this has left us feeling wounded, but not really sure how or why this has come about. Justice implicates that this person will be found out, and in doing so you or they will move on as the 6 Thorns indicates. For others they may realise that it is themselves that have become toxic, and may get told just how their actions are affecting other people. It may be time to step back and ask yourself why you are doing that, and take appropriate action to stop and take a long hard look at themselves. 

03-10-22 to 09-10-22

#spiritsongtarot #thespiritanimaloracle 

8 Acorns, Knight Acorns, 3 Feathers, The Magician, Dolphin Spirit

This and that are true, what does this message tell you this week? Dolphins are known to be playful, but they are also uncanny creatures that can tell when a person is sick or injured. The way the 8 of Acorns and the Knight of Acorns have their back turned towards each other, tell me that some of you may not see eye to eye on a certain matter or subject and one could be quite pig headed about it, refusing to listen to reason.

The 3 of Feathers show that a new direction must be chosen, with or without this persons input, so you can spread your wings and fly or transform into who or what you want to be or do. There will be some sorrow in this but The Magician shows that you have the drive and willpower to create, but, don’t forget to take some time out just to play as the Dolphin Spirit encourages you to do.

26-09-22 to 02-10-22

#thevictoriansteampunktarot #lizdean 

The Fool, 8 Dragonflies, Death

Change is a foot whether you like it or not this week! Something or someone is leaving this week no matter how much you are trying to avoid it, The Fool indicates a journey where the wings of the butterflies will take you or someone you know to where they are supposed to be.

I do feel that for some people a loss of a loved one or pet may happen, which will be a very emotional time even though you knew it was going to happen. I sense that the 8 Cups is saying not to pack all your emotions away into the single chalice, to let them flow and cleanse yourself of all the pent up emotions you have been pushing down. Death is just a transition that needs to happen before you can start a new journey with The Fool.

As I am really pulled to the Rose locket in the Death card, which for me always represent a message of love from spirit, for those of you who do lose a loved one expect to hear a message of love from them. Perhaps sooner than you thought, some may be left or find an actual piece of jewellery, a broach or locket or some other piece. I am also getting dog tag so if someone our there looses a dog I feel as though their dog/cat tag will show up in an unexpected place, they are sending you love.

19-09-22 To 25-09-22

#tarotnuages #malefiquelenormand #gniedmann 

Coffin, Snake, Tower, 2 Chalices, 6 Wands

Such a stark contrast of cards the Lenormand ones are compared to the Tarot, I can’t quite help think of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth when I gaze at the Coffin card. It has an uncanny image of her coffin lying in state, the Tower while her death was expected happened so quickly and at Balmoral, the Snake all the snide remarks about Megan and our now King losing it at a pen. Do people not realise that it’s probably due to stress, having to do his duties while trying to deal with the loss of his Mother all on public display. The 2 Chalices I feel speak of the deep love of the Queen and Prince Phillip reunited, and the 6 Wands her outstanding devotion to serving her people for 70 years right up till 2 days before her death. It is truly an end of an era that we will never see again, despite what you might think of the Monarchy her work ethics were unquestionable as were her thoughts for her people being able to see her to pay their last respects right down to a specially made hearse. 

For us this week it seems as though we have been isolating ourselves or unable to get out of our heads thinking all sorts of things. The Coffin speaks of endings and perhaps some may need to see a Dr to get medicated if we cannot control our thoughts and snap at people for no reason, the Snake. The Tower speaks of isolation with our head/mind in the clouds, although nothing like the Tower card in the Tarot it does speak of getting our act together and being able to connect with a higher consciousness.

Once we do this the 2 Cups reminds us of the unity we feel of having two minds meet with a deep connection, and indeed having our own minds be still and doing things we used to love but stopped due to being unwell. The 6 Wands show how we can and will, get on top of things with a new zest for life. I feel like this weeks reading has called me out, as after a 20 year break of not being on anti depressants I’ve had to go back on them. I think the last two years of dealing with breast cancer and the loss of my Mother finally tipped me over the edge. I feel much better now and I’m slowly getting to the 6 Wands stage.

12-09-22 TO 18-09-22

#malefiquelenormand, #gniedmann #theseedsickleoracle #chiastolite #smokyquartz 

Child, Mushroom, Man, Letter

It is interesting that this week Mushroom has come up with the crystal I was drawn to pull Chiastolite, Mushrooms have quite an underground network of fungus going on that causes the Fairy Circles we have all been warned not to step into lest we get whisked away to Fairy land. Another name for Chiastolite is Fairy Stone or Christ Stone, the first time this crystal was mentioned was in 1648 in a book De Gemmis et Lapidibus, but was officially recorded in 1754 by Jose Torrubia.  It is associated with the Root Chakra and connect your energies to Mother Earth, it can aid mental clarity and inner peace, your aura will be filled with positive energy when working with Chiastolite as well as accelerating self healing. It is also said to aid in protection from negative energies and as Smoky Quartz stepped forward this week it seems that we need to protect ourselves this week. I always had two pieces of Smoky Quartz when I was having my chemo along with a few others.

There are a few scenarios here, it seems as though this week a Man may be acting like a Child who does not get his way. Or you may hear some news about either a man who has a child, or news concerning a child. I am also drawn to how this Man card has his arms crossed with his back towards all the cards, I feel that a Man may be ignoring something about his health. Right now it is a small problem as indicated by the Child card, but it has the potential to spread quite quickly if not addressed soon, as the Mushroom card implies. I’m getting a prostrate problem or a Mole that needs seeing too. I also feel as though some of you may be being spoon fed some bullsh_t with the letter showing this falsehood being revealed, perhaps through the mouth of children. An interesting week for sure!

5-09-22 to 11-09-22

#tarotnuages #inkwitchtarot #enchantedspelloracle 

9 Swords, 9 Cups, The Lovers, Fertility, The Hierophant

It seems for some of us this week that a choice must be made for ourselves The Lovers, and not other people. It is a week where we must choose wisely lest we have more mental angst as the 9 Swords implies, if we do so then the happiness of the 9 Cups is ours to have, and may fulfil a long held wish or dream coming true, if we listen to our heart.

This may prove to be quite a challenge, as The Hierophant implies that you may be expected to follow long held traditions within the family or a work situation, perhaps even your health. Do not bow down to anybody this week, speak up and speak loud, to make your voice and choice heard, and understood.

Fertility shows that you will be successful in your endeavours but there will be some harsh truths to be faced before things go smoothly. If you have been trying to get a project off the ground expect hiccups, if on the other hand you have been trying to fall pregnant and haven’t, perhaps this is the week where your wish will come true.

29-09-22 to 04-09-22

#thespiraloracle #thewildunknown #seerstone #blackonyx 

Natural Abundance, The Emperor, Death, 4 Wands,  8 Pentacles

It seems as though this week some of us are fighting a major transformation, this is blocking abundance from coming into our lives.  Sometimes when we are faced with what seems at the time astronomical changes, we fight against it preferring to stick with what we know. This causes us to become rigid and stuck in our ways, like the mighty tree in The Emperor card image. We might have struck some very deep roots into a situation and are not happy at the thought of uprooting what we have sunk so much time and energy into. Some part of our lives needs to die a natural Death so we can move on to a more balanced way of living.

The 4 Wands with the 8 Pentacles could indicate that a businesses old way of doing things need to change, to bring about what was once a stable source of income into a new era of being lucrative once more.  I can see a Moths image in my Seer Stone, this indicates that some of us are burning the candle at both ends, and for others that they cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel for they are fighting changes that much.

I am also pulled to all the circler images in these cards, the Eyes, the Spider, the Sun and what looks to be an eye in the middle of the 4 Wands. As the Sun is dark as are the eyes in the Death card, if anyone of you have a spot on your body that has changed, get it looked at now. Right now it is contained in one area as shown by the 4 Wands and 8 Pentacles image, but it needs to be acted on straight away before it becomes a problem that’s not so easily fixed. 

I also feel that for some of you the Rose has a special meaning and you have been looking for a sign from Spirit, or a loved one who has recently passed away. Well here it is! Roses are very often shown to me when I do Spirit Messages as a sign of love to the person receiving the reading, whether that’s a person or animal who is in Spirit.  Perhaps the beautiful dusky pink of this Rose has a special meaning, signs are everywhere if we open our Spiritual Eyes.

Black onyx is a stone for banishing grief, enhancing self-control and wise decision making. It cools and condenses excessive energy and calms nervousness it is also a protective stone for dark night travels including ones of the Soul. Black Onyx is used in Divination as a scrying tool, black mirrors are made of Black Onyx. It is a Seeker Transformer Crystal, Seeker Transformers are talismans used when the desire is to find a way to transform a part of one’s life to a more desirable state.  Seekers are used when we need some help to find a new path, a new approach, or in any quest to gain that which we desire but do not yet possess. Combine with the Quartz Seer Stone these two Crystals combined will help you ground and then “see” with a more clear mind what it is you want or need to do to gain some peace.

22-08-22 to 28-08-22

#theseedsickleoracledeck #hushtarot

Ivy, Dandelion, 5 Cups, 6Wands

What struck me the most in this weeks reading is how the 5 Cups woman seems to be blowing on the Dandelion, having made a wish through some type of loss she has or is suffering. This week it seems we need to remember our wishes for ourselves, but to do so we must release what no longer serves us. Ivy is here to remind us that we have the tenacity to climb back up and flourish once again, because we must remember how hard Ivy is once it takes root to stop it overrunning the entire garden.

Ivy since classical times has been associated with prophetic intoxication, sought by Druids particularly for creativity so that their work is inspired by something greater than their own personality’s alone. To be receptive you must still your mind and let go whatever the 5 Cups represents to you. The key is to become more aware of yourself this week so that the success of the 6 Wands portrays becomes a reality, and not just a wish cast into the wind on Dandelion seeds landing where they will. Make sure your seeds stop and flourish where and when you want them too.

15-08-22 - 21-08-22

#sacreddestinyoracle #everydaywitchtarot 

Going Forward, Purity, The Moon, 6 Cups, The Devil

The first thing that struck me when I pulled these cards was the Black Panther and White Wolf, two very different creatures but ones who use stealth and cunning to get what they want. It seems that there is something in the past that is holding you back this week, stopping you from going forward to greener pastures where you can grow into the lush beautiful person that you are.

Do not let your doubts or a person talk you into anything less, you are strong and capable. Look into the mirror and see what the cat does in his reflection of the lake, a powerful strong person whose instincts are leading you where you are supposed to be going to.

You are not the same person that you were in the past, none of us are, we all grow in different ways it is part of lifes journey. All you need do is to follow your heart with Purity, it will not lead you astray no matter what anyone tells you. Be wary of the person who says you can’t/shouldn’t do whatever it is you want to, they do not have your best interests at heart and could be very jealous of what you have achieved, the green eyed monster of envy is what motivates them. 

8-08-22 to 14-08-22

#spiraloracle #howtobeawildflowerdeck

Morning Dew, Swan, Roots & Ascending Channel, Sodalite

Lets start with the Sodalite crystal, this crystal is good for lymphatic drainage and is also said to help with hot flashes (although for me Green Aventurine works better for hot flashes). But what I am feeling is, that the love you have once felt for someone is draining away, this meaning could also apply to the love one has for themselves, perhaps you have done something that makes you feel guilty and that guilt has caused you to hate yourself.

The Roots and Ascending Channel card speaks of wounds and the walls we have built around ourselves as a result of these past wounds. These wounds can stem from childhood, unconscious wounds, physical wounds, wounds in our minds and so on. Sometimes we meet someone who has been through similar wounds as our own, we form a relationship only to find that two wounds don’t necessarily make it right for healing.

Sometimes we form these relationships out of fear, repressing ourselves so as not to suffer more wounds. The Sodalite is asking us to let go of our wounds and fear, to let it drain away with love in our heart for ourselves and those we no longer relate too. Let these wounds heal and scar over, let them be a reminder of the importance of choosing to walk a path alongside your own heart, follow your heart. If you are suffering from physical wounds that make you feel ugly, accept that scar, pull a few cards for yourself and ask yourself why you feel that way, is it because society makes you feel ugly? There is a lot of pressure for women like myself who have had a mastectomy to have breast reconstruction, “so you feel and look like a woman again” my boobs do not define me as a woman, its what’s inside of me that does, and I will not have reconstruction. My scar reminds me everyday of what I went through to live, it is my warrior scar, and indeed more and more women are “living flat”.

Morning Dew invites us to be our own Star, it is a card of reinventions. We are always reinventing ourselves, we are not who we were in our teen years, our twenties and beyond, we all change. This card asks us to embrace our gifts, to let our light shine out into the world no matter how dim you feel your light to be, for other people your light could well be the flood light that makes them feel good, to take a shaky step towards happiness, to learn from what you have been through and know that they can do it to because of your courage. And the final card Swan, do this all Full of Grace for who and what you are. The Coneflowers surrounding the Swan show that the healing vibe of energy is available to you, you only need to swim towards it, to go with the flow of life, not fight against it.

1-08-22 to 7-08-22

Ingwaz, Gymea Lily, Child, House, Holly & The Spear, Mookiate 

I was very drawn to pulling my circle cards this week, so cycles seem to be the theme this week, what goes around comes around.

The fiery Spear of Lugh is the weapon of the Celtic Sun God, it represents the directed will. It is a symbol of applying determination that helps you manifest your dreams and goals. Combined with Holly whose keyword is Challenge it seems as though The Spear is pointing towards a prickly week ahead with testing trials and feeling as though your position is under attack. This can also include spiritual and emotional trials, looking at the Child and House this could be good old teenager angst testing their parents boundaries, they are pushing your buttons to see how far they can go. 

This combination can also allude to trouble with siblings perhaps fighting over an inheritance or just troubles within the family home. For those of you who may have started up a family business working from home, there could be some unforeseen start up problems. It says in the book that comes with these Rune cards that the God Ing is extremely sexual and together  with the fiery spear of Lugh seems to be pointing towards energy that has been building for quite some time and finally bursts in a single concentrated blast.

By channeling our magical and mental energy towards our greater good we can harness this energy to create what we want, whether that be a harmonious household, a new career direction or relationship.  The Gymea Lily is a card of strength, stamina, courage, sacrifice and hope, this card suggests that we have a strong sense of these traits along with ethics, integrity, and responsibility. Your choices in life centre around these ideals regardless of personal sacrifice, this makes you particularly sensitive to a lack of these traits in other people. You expect other people to live up to your standards and when people fall short of this you cannot understand why.

This is especially so with parents who put unrealistic expectations unto their children’s shoulders, the challenge here is to recognise the difference between your own needs and those of your children and  others.  This week outside forces may push you away from your focus or course of action, challenging you to remain true to yourself. Make sure you take the time to rest and recuperate lest you make yourself weary and drained. Gymea Lily asks you to seek your own needs, and to balance them with the needs of others.

All together these cards suggest a week where we will feel challenged, but where we also have the willpower to direct our energy towards something we want to achieve, I am struck at how we have the spear of Lugh and the Wand in the Gymea Lily and the Mookiate (I have quite a bit of this wonderful stone) with it’s point of Australia on it. It seems life circumstances has been pointing out the way for us to follow and channel our energy into, but, perhaps we have been too caught up in “life” to pay heed to it, hence the prickling of Holly needling us to pay attention.

25-08-22 - 31-08-22

Healing Path, 7 Pentacles, 6 Pentacles, The Dream, Fall Token, Brecciated Mookaite 

The Fall Token deals with putting things into motion and coming into full fruition, coupled with the 7 Pentacles, this seems to amplify the message for us in this coming week. The 6 Pentacles is a card of give and take, but here I feel as though some of us are going to weigh up either why we are doing all the giving and getting nothing in return, or, if something/someone that we have dedicated a lot of time too is still worth the effort, sometimes as The Dream card implies it’s just that, a dream.

If you are part of something that seems to be breaking up, a relationship, job, home, career, or an entirely new life direction, the Brecciated Mookaite suggests that the cracks appeared long ago.  Like a beloved doll that has been repaired over and over again, it’s time to let it go, there are too many cracks to fill.

Now we must tread the Healing Path and do what is necessary to  heal and fulfil our destiny in this life we have. What does this card represent to you? For me it’s the Triple Goddess and how she has been a part of my life even when I didn’t realise she was, particular in my breast cancer battle. Out of the three I am now a Crone, a badge of honour that I am lucky to be able to wear, and even though I despair at the ravages of chemo showing on my face I am reminded that growing old is indeed a privilege that many of us don’t get to experience. 

Our message from Chykaika this week is to live, hope, pray, and have faith in ourselves, because in life nothing is ever certain.

Blessed Be

18/07/22 - 24/07/22

Message from Chykaika
Ogam; Spear, Cauldron, Reconciliation, Tokens; Intuition, Winter, Conception Crystal Mookaite
Who is Chykaika?
Well, my journey with this very special Tuart tree began just on six years ago when on my morning walks, I would touch this tree and communicate with it through touch, and then later on these last 2/3 years through visions the tree would give me.
This beautiful tree gave me her name Chykaika, about two weeks ago, the Ogam is made from her wood that I gathered beneath her mighty trunk. Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer, this tree one day gave me an almighty electric shock through my left arm, it was trying to tell me I was sick. From that day forward I used to feel a gentle energy go through my arm, as it gave me healing energy, now if I have any pains I ask it to heal me and the pain is gone before I get home.
One day Chykaika gave me an image of the Usui Reiki symbol a power symbol, a mantra used when drawing it is Cho Ku Rei. Good for protection, grounding, clearing, manifesting and boosting energy. With the words in huge black capital letters BAD GONE. I knew it was telling me that the cancer was gone, but, I didn’t know about this being a Reiki symbol until one day I was scrolling on FaceBook and saw someone asking what this symbol meant, I thought it was just something that Chykaika made up as it gives me a lot of pattern/symbol visions!
So, with that explained let us get to her message for the week shall we.
The fiery Spear of Lugh is the weapon of the Celtic Sun God, it represents the directed will. It is a symbol of applying determination that helps you manifest your dreams and goals. Combined with the Cauldron, this treasure symbolises abundance, drawing this Ogam augurs a time of plenty, when the cornucopia of Natures bounty is being poured upon you, whatever seeds you plant this week should grow very well indeed, these are not only gifts of the earthy realm but gifts from the Otherworld too.
The Token Intuition reminds us to trust where our intuition is leading us, the Winter Token speaks of a time of calm reflection and the seasonal shifts and changes in our lives, something will become clear to us this week like a slap in the face of a invigorating wind. The Conception Token is the spark of creation and whether an opportunity is right for you, and where you will often learn something about yourself and where you want to go. This is also a Token of discovering who you are, do you like yourself? Or does the card of Reconciliation speak to you on a deep personal level?
Reconciliation has a lot of images on it, but I am pulled most to the Snake and Hand, there could be someone in your circle who is as toxic as our many venomous snakes here in Australia. To the Aboriginal people the male or female serpent was the Great Creator, or ancestral being in control of the law. If anyone broke the law they would be struck down, so if somebody has been sticking their hand into your business, know that will be found out and dealt with appropriately. The black hand represents our down to earth aspects, it is a reminder to get back in touch with Nature, including our own nature which we might be repressing, remember that Intuition Token, I urge everyone to find their own special tree or place, rock or stone.
Mookaite Jasper known as the Mother Earth stone embraces the power of an ageless spirit, helping one to understand just how closely the mind and body work together. In bringing one’s beliefs about ageing and degeneration to the conscious mind, Mookaite imparts the knowledge that change is possible, and that by raising the vibration of one’s thoughts and body, it can greatly reduce the process of physical ageing while keeping one young in spirit.
Mookaite also activates the deeper aspects of mind by allowing access to genetic memory, revealing emotional and behavioural patterns handed down from one’s ancestry and allowing one to release those patterns so future generations need not repeat them. It is an ideal stone for expectant parents, as it can facilitate intuitive communication with their unborn child. As my piece of Mookaite is brecciated I feel as though those cracks may represent someone who is trying to hold it all together, lest they fall apart. Get yourself a piece of this powerful stone to help you with strength and decision making, be strong like my beautiful Chykaika and let her send you healing.

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